A video installation exploring the ideas of mental mapping and memories by observing the movement of turkey vultures. By chasing the vultures with a drone it’s perceived that even if they have wings to fly anywhere. They only choose the places they are accustomed to or the places they think of as Home. The installation represents human nature in a metaphorical way of breaking the boundaries but also being confined to bigger invisible boundaries created by us.
This Installation is created in an attempt to represent the harmonious and unpredictable quality of nature. There’s a comfort in that rhythm, even in chaos there is belonging. I tried to relate it to the nature and sense of home. Just like a murmuration, home is fluid and ever-changing.
The installation was created with X-ray Sheets of broken hands and projecting a video of getting a tattoo at the same spot. The installation focuses on trauma, pain, and emotional turmoil.
A performing art indicates emotional numbness when you don’t feel any pain or grief.
Video Projection, 8’x6′